A Tiny Spark wins Award in Sci On! Nevada

On May 6th the Sci On! Festival in Reno, Nevada awarded A Tiny Spark with the 2019 Best Medical Documentary Award after screening it in the stunning Fleischmann Planetarium. A Tiny Spark is a documentary directed by Niamh Heery, produced by Caroline Kealy with animations by Eric Dolan about stroke research and survivors. It has just Read more about A Tiny Spark wins Award in Sci On! Nevada[…]

A Tiny Spark – Premiere at Pálás Cinema Galway

CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices based at NUI Galway and Galway Film Centre’s 2018 ‘Science on Screen’ documentary, A Tiny Spark will screen at Pálás Cinema in Galway on Saturday, December 1st at 1pm. Directed by Niamh Heery and produced by Caroline Kealy of Swansong Films, A Tiny Spark Read more about A Tiny Spark – Premiere at Pálás Cinema Galway[…]

Lady Black Eyes Premieres at the Cork Film Festival

The World Premiere of Screen Ireland’s New Live-Action and Documentary Shorts to took place at 63rd Cork Film Festival on November 17th 2018. Over 60% of the shorts in the Focus Shorts and Real Shorts schemes are directed by women and feature up-and-coming talents such as Jordanne Jones (Metal Heart) and Daryl McCormack (Fair City). Read more about Lady Black Eyes Premieres at the Cork Film Festival[…]

Swansong Films secures feature film development with Screen Ireland’s POV Scheme

  Niamh Heery’s feature film script ‘Down by Your Side’ has been announced as one of six feature projects to go into development for Screen Ireland’s POV Scheme. This is Niamh’s fourth Screen Ireland commission. Most recently her short drama ‘Lady Black Eyes’ was selected and made for the Focus Shorts scheme. Down By Your Read more about Swansong Films secures feature film development with Screen Ireland’s POV Scheme[…]

Together We Stared at the Moon debuts online

A documentary produced for author J.K. Rowling’s charity Lumos is online now. Clips from the film have received over 100,000 views so far on social media. Directed, produced, and edited by Niamh Heery, who worked closely with Lumos’s Bulgaria and Colombia offices to gather footage from two real institutions in very different countries, Together We Stared Read more about Together We Stared at the Moon debuts online[…]

‘A Tiny Spark’ selected for Science on Screen 2018

CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices based at NUI Galway and Galway Film Centre select ‘A Tiny Spark’ as the recipient of the 2018 Science on Screen commission.   The documentary, which will be directed by Niamh Heery and  produced by Caroline Kealy of Swansong Films, will examine the effect Read more about ‘A Tiny Spark’ selected for Science on Screen 2018[…]

Writer’s Guild of Ireland Zebbie Award for Niamh Heery

Niamh has won a Writer’s Guild of Ireland Zebbie Award 2018 for the short script for Pause, the short film which she wrote and directed last year. The Zebbie Awards are annual awards created by the WGI — named in honour of O. Z. Whitehead — to acknowledge the best scripts written by Irish playwrights Read more about Writer’s Guild of Ireland Zebbie Award for Niamh Heery[…]

Radical Pathways: A multimedia series with theJournal.ie

Radical Pathways is a weeklong multimedia series in collaboration with theJournal.ie which explores themes of radicalisation, Islamophobia and integration in the context of the refugee crisis. Video report from Part 2: How Manchester is recovering from a terror attack Niamh Heery and journalist Órla Ryan spent six months speaking to refugees, asylum seekers, experts, authorities Read more about Radical Pathways: A multimedia series with theJournal.ie[…]