Lady Black Eyes (2018) is a short film written & directed by Niamh Heery, made as part of Screen Ireland’s Focus Shorts Scheme. It stars Jordanne Jones and Daryl McCormack as Nora and Devon, two young lovers who set out one day to confront a figure from Nora’s past. Lady Black Eyes premiered at Cork Film Festival 2018.
2018 Cork Film Festival
2019 Fastnet Film Festival, Underground Film Festival (Nominated: Best Screenplay, Best Actress), Still Voices Film Festival, Oaxaca Film Festival (Finalist), Dublin International Short Film Festival
Director Niamh Heery
Producer Caoimhe Maguire
Script Niamh Heery
Main Cast Jordanne Jones and Daryl McCormack
Photography Narayan Van Maele
Editor Ronnie Quinlan
Music: Somadrome
Production Design Nikki Gorman & Tara O’Reilly
Poster by Sinéad Heery